FEMA representatives canvass a south Augusta neighborhood on Dec. 13, 2024 Charmain Z. Brackett/Augusta Good News
FEMA representatives canvass a south Augusta neighborhood on Dec. 13, 2024 Charmain Z. Brackett/Augusta Good News

FEMA extends Georgia application deadline while South Carolina remains the same

ATLANTA – At the request of the state of Georgia, FEMA has extended the deadline for survivors to apply for federal assistance. Homeowners and renters in the 63 counties who were affected by Tropical Storm Debby, Aug. 4—20, 2024, and Hurricane Helene, Sept. 24—Oct. 30, 2024, now have until Feb. 7, 2025, to apply.

The deadline for South Carolina residents remains Jan. 7, 2025, according to Nikki Gaskins Campbell, FEMA media relations specialist.

There are several ways to apply: Go online to DisasterAssistance.gov, use the FEMA App or call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. The telephone line is open every day and help is available in most languages. If you use a relay service such as Video Relay Service, captioned telephone or other service, give FEMA your number for that service. You may also visit any Disaster Recovery Center. For locations and hours, go online to fema.gov/drc, according to a news release.

To view an accessible video on how to apply, visit Three Ways to Apply for FEMA Disaster Assistance – YouTube.

For needs not covered by insurance or other sources, FEMA may be able to provide individual assistance grant money that does not have to be repaid for:

  • Rental assistance if you need to relocate because of storm damage
  • Personal property that was damaged or destroyed by the storms
  • Lodging reimbursement if you had to stay in a hotel temporarily
  • Basic home repairs for homeowners whose primary residence was damaged by the storms
  • Other serious needs caused by the storms

Read More: GEMA program to assist people displaced by Helene

In addition to the assistance listed, survivors should be aware:

  • Only one application per household
  • FEMA does not pay for lost or spoiled food
  • By law, FEMA is not allowed to duplicate insurance payments or assistance provided by other sources

When you apply with FEMA, have the following information ready:

  • Phone number where you can be contacted
  • Address at the time of the disaster
  • Address where you are staying now
  • Social Security Number of one member of the household
  • Basic list of damage and losses
  • Bank information if you choose direct deposit for FEMA money
  • Insurance Information: if you have insurance, including the policy number

If you have homeowners’ or renter’s insurance, you should file a claim as soon as possible. FEMA cannot duplicate benefits for losses covered by insurance. If your policy does not cover all your damage expenses, you may be eligible for federal assistance.

Remember to keep receipts from all your purchases related to the cleanup and repair.

For the latest information about Georgia’s recovery, visit fema.gov/helene/georgia. Follow FEMA Region 4 @FEMARegion4 on X or follow FEMA on social media at: FEMA Blog on fema.gov@FEMA or @FEMAEspanol on X, FEMA or FEMA Espanol on Facebook, @FEMA on Instagram, and via FEMA YouTube channel. Also, follow Administrator Deanne Criswell on Twitter @FEMA_Deanne.

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