Arts and Entertainment

Ramblin’s Roads: Flo Carter highlights ‘Parade of Quartets’; Preston & Weston concert set

By Don "Ramblin'" Rhodes · 17 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Ramblin’s Roads: Flo Carter highlights ‘Parade of Quartets’; Preston & Weston concert set

Columnist Don Rhodes highlights an upcoming talk with local music legend Flo Carter and a concert with Preston and Weston.

Musician’s journey started in punk and wound up in jazz

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 16 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Musician’s journey started in punk and wound up in jazz

Good Shot Judy will be in concert March 4 in Evans.

‘American Son’ confronts issues of race and bias

By Staff Report · 15 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on ‘American Son’ confronts issues of race and bias

Le Chat Noir production looks at race and bias.

Colorful show heads to Imperial stage

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 15 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Colorful show heads to Imperial stage

Joseph’s brightly-colored and sequined dreamcoat will glisten under the lights on the Imperial Theatre stage Feb. 24-26.

Arts Council receives grant for crosswalk art

By Staff Report · 09 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Arts Council receives grant for crosswalk art

A grant will allow for a crosswalk project in a dangerous intersection on Augusta’s east side.

4P Studios marks its eighth anniversary with exhibition and reception

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 07 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on 4P Studios marks its eighth anniversary with exhibition and reception

4P Studios marked its eighth anniversary Feb. 2 and a special event will be Feb. 12.

Series of serendipitous events leads to art gallery’s opening

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 05 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Series of serendipitous events leads to art gallery’s opening

The art of Brian Rust will be the inaugural exhibition at the CANDL gallery on Broad Street.

ArtScape: Art exhibitions flourish in February

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 29 Jan 2023 · Comments Off on ArtScape: Art exhibitions flourish in February

ArtScape is a column focusing on Augusta’s art happenings.

Flowing Wells Theatre fulfillment of longtime vision

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 21 Jan 2023 · 2

Having a theater for the Enopion Theatre Co. to perform in has been a longtime dream of its founder.

Siblings share dream as principal dancers in Riverdance

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 17 Jan 2023 · Comments Off on Siblings share dream as principal dancers in Riverdance

Riverdance celebrates its 25th anniversary with a Feb. 2 performance at the Bell Auditorium.

What’s on stage: a sampling of upcoming concerts and shows

By Don "Ramblin'" Rhodes · 16 Jan 2023 · Comments Off on What’s on stage: a sampling of upcoming concerts and shows

Highlights of upcoming shows in and around Augusta.

Elvis-themed event offers family fun

By Maxwell Shaffer · 15 Jan 2023 · Comments Off on Elvis-themed event offers family fun

The Morris Museum of Art’s monthly Artrageous! program had an Elvis theme Sunday, Jan. 15.

‘Letters From Home’ provides nostalgic, upbeat tribute to veterans

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 14 Jan 2023 · Comments Off on ‘Letters From Home’ provides nostalgic, upbeat tribute to veterans

Letters From Home will be performed Jan. 29 at the Miller Theater.

Circle remains unbroken with original members of Nitty Gritty Dirt Band

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 11 Jan 2023 · Comments Off on Circle remains unbroken with original members of Nitty Gritty Dirt Band

John McEuen and several former members of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band will perform Friday at the Imperial Theatre.