All the children enjoyed the sounds of Tara Scheyer and the Mud Puppy Band at the New Year's Eve (Eve) concert at the Episcopal Day School on Dec. 30, 2023. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
All the children enjoyed the sounds of Tara Scheyer and the Mud Puppy Band at the New Year's Eve (Eve) concert at the Episcopal Day School on Dec. 30, 2023. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.

In pictures: New Year’s Eve (Eve) Countdown to Noon with Tara Scheyer and the Mud Puppy Band

Tara Scheyer and the Mud Puppy Band sang and danced in the New Year early with a pint-sized crowd at the Episcopal Day School gym Dec. 30.

The event featured a countdown to noon instead of midnight.

All the children enjoyed the sounds of Tara Scheyer and the Mud Puppy Band at the New Year’s Eve (Eve) concert at the Episcopal Day School on Dec. 30, 2023. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
The children show off their dance moves at New Year’s Eve (Eve) concert performed by Tara Scheyer and the Mud Puppy Band at the Episcopal Day School on Dec. 30, 2023. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
Tara Scheyer and the Mud Puppy Band perform their New Year’s Eve (Eve) concert at the Episcopal Day School on Dec. 30, 2023. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
Tara Scheyer and the Mud Puppy Band perform their New Year’s Eve (Eve) concert at the Episcopal Day School on Dec. 30, 2023. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
Tara Scheyer and the Mud Puppy Band perform their New Year’s Eve (Eve) concert at the Episcopal Day School on Dec. 30, 2023. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.

Mike Adams has won multiple Georgia Press Association awards for his photography. Subscribe to have Augusta Good News headlines delivered to your inbox here.

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