About 80 students from John S. Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School will spend their spring break in Italy, sightseeing and performing.
Members of the Chorale and the Chamber Orchestra will visit locations such as Pisa, Florence and Rome during their April trip. The Chorale has also applied to sing at the Vatican.
“A lot of these kids have never traveled outside of Augusta,” said Phillip Streetman, Davidson Chorale director. “This gives them the opportunity to travel safely within a school environment with their teachers and other parents.”
They’ve been studying about the different locations they will visit and learning some Italian history as well as learning about some of the famous artists whose works they’ll see.
The two groups will perform separately on most pieces. The Chorale will sing most of its songs acapella.
“We’re trying to showcase American music and a variety of composers,” said Laura Tomlin, chamber orchestra director.
One of the pieces the orchestra will perform is “Reflexions” by Carold Nunez, and other selections are by John Williams. The Chorale will sing some American spirituals as well as a Latin piece from the Renaissance.
Senior Katelyn Scoggins, who plays the violin, said some of the compositions they’ve been learning are difficult.

“One is very challenging with its shifts to super high strings and difficult rhythms,” she said.
Joshua Freeman said he’s looking forward to playing to new audiences.
“I feel like the experience of going and playing in the concert halls will be a good experience for me. I want to do orchestra in college,” said Freeman, a junior who plays the double bass.
The students have been preparing for the trip since last school year.
The Davidson students take trips every two or three years. Other trips have included Ireland and Spain. A trip to France was scheduled for 2020 but was cancelled due to COVID.
“I’m hoping this trip will give them the travel bug, give them memories they’ll cherish and inspire them to broaden their boundaries and not just stay in their own bubble,” said Streetman.
Local audiences will have an opportunity to hear the Davidson Chorale perform at 7 p.m. March 3 as part of the Concerts with a Cause series at St. John United Methodist Church, 736 Greene St.
Charmain Z. Brackett, the publisher of Augusta Good News and Inspiring: Women of Augusta, has covered Augusta’s news for 35 years. Reach her at charmain@augustagoodnews.com. Sign up for the newsletter here.
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