Arts and Entertainment

‘Christmas Carol’ musical is loving tribute to longtime director

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 03 Dec 2022 · Comments Off on ‘Christmas Carol’ musical is loving tribute to longtime director

Debi Ballas directed “A Christmas Carol: The Musical” for more than a decade. Now her daughter will bring it to the Imperial Theatre stage.

Exhibition turns lens on area artists

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 30 Nov 2022 · Comments Off on Exhibition turns lens on area artists

Several arts exhibitions are planned for the month of December including a unique multi-artist event featuring the photographs of Drake White.

‘Christmas Belles’ ring humor into holidays

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 29 Nov 2022 · Comments Off on ‘Christmas Belles’ ring humor into holidays

Edgefield’s Main Street Players will present the comedy, Christmas Belles, for two weekends in December.

Child star has Augusta ties

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 27 Nov 2022 · 2

Innocent Ekakitie has appeared in multiple television shows and films, and he’s only 9.

Changes coming to Augusta Sculpture Trail

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 26 Nov 2022 · Comments Off on Changes coming to Augusta Sculpture Trail

The Augusta Sculpture Trail will be removed the second week in December to make way for a new trail in January 2023.

About Town With Francie: Augusta University’s cinema series

By Francie Klopotic · 22 Nov 2022 · Comments Off on About Town With Francie: Augusta University’s cinema series

Columnist Francie Klopotic highlights arts-related happenings around Augusta. This week she took in Augusta University’s cinema series.

Little House on the Prairie actress visits Book Tavern

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 22 Nov 2022 · 1

Karen Grassle spoke at the Book Tavern Nov. 21.