FEMA disaster survivor assistance teams have visited more than 21,000 homes in Richmond County alone since Hurricane Helene hit. Teams have also visited homes in other affected counties.
Scenes from the annual Aiken Hoofbeats Christmas Parade Dec. 15.
Children received bicycles at two events plus an invitation to join teams that support Paceline, a bicycle ride that raises money for cancer research.
As demolition continues on the James Brown Arena, publisher Charmain Z. Brackett reflects on her memories of the arena. What are yours?
The James Brown Arena demolition is underway. Artist Leonard Porkchop Zimmerman took a few photos from the scene on Dec. 13. Waylon Jennings played the first concert there on Dec. 14, 1979.
A pair of herons created by internationally known sculptor Przemyslaw Kordys is the latest piece of public art in Augusta.
More than 20 festive windows are part of the Soul City Spectacular.
A resource fair for those affected by Hurricane Helene is scheduled for 1 to 4 p.m. Thursday at Paine College.
Debris pick up, Augusta Canal closures and a water bill credit were among the items of discussion at a Dec. 10 town hall meeting in Richmond County.
North Augusta remains undefeated after Tuesday’s win.
The Butler Bulldogs’ girls team beat North Augusta 47-41 on Dec. 10.
Homes for Veterans provided an accessible bathroom for Charles Linwood, an Army veteran.