The 2023 Richmond County School System pathway completers graduation rate in Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE), Advanced Academic, World Language and Fine Arts pathways has surpassed the state rate, according to data released last week.
Richmond County CTAE students boasted a 97.99% graduation rate compared to the state-wide rate of 97.75%, according to a news release from the Richmond County School System.
The RCSS graduation rate for Advanced Academic Pathways completers was 99.65%, compared to the state’s rate of 99.43%. The graduation rate for World Language Pathway completers in RCSS schools was 100%, while the state rate was 99.17%. Fine Arts Pathway completers recorded a 97.89% graduation rate over the state rate of 97.35%.

“We celebrate the commitment our students and teachers have made to reach this milestone. Completing a pathway in high school helps students connect with their interests and form relationships with students and staff who share those interests. We are proud to see that our CTAE, Fine Arts, World Language and Advanced Studies students are graduating on time with plans for a brighter future,” said Dr. Malinda Cobb, Associate Superintendent of Academic Services.
Here are some highlights from the pathway graduation rates:
- G. P. Butler Comprehensive High School, Richmond County Technical Career Magnet (RCTCM), Glenn Hills Comprehensive High School, A.R. Johnson Health Science & Engineering Magnet School, and the Academy of Richmond County (ARC) achieved a perfect 100% CTAE graduation rate.
- ARC, Butler, Davidson Fine Arts Magnet, Glenn Hills High, Hephzibah Comprehensive High School, A.R. Johnson Magnet, T.W. Josey Comprehensive High School, Lucy C. Laney Comprehensive High School, Westside Comprehensive High School and RCTCM boasted a 100% Advanced Academic pathway graduation rate.
- ARC, Cross Creek Comprehensive High School, Davidson Fine Arts Magnet, Glenn Hills High, T.W. Josey, Laney, RCTCM, and Westside boasted a 100% World Language pathway graduation rate.
- ARC, Cross Creek, Davidson Fine Arts Magnet, A.R. Johnson Magnet, and Laney boasted a 100% Fine Arts pathway graduation rate.
The CTAE graduation rate applies to students who complete a Career Pathway.
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