Surgeons at Piedmont Augusta can provide an innovative, minimally-invasive surgical procedure to treat an enlarged prostate.  Photo courtesy Piedmont Augusta.
Surgeons at Piedmont Augusta can provide an innovative, minimally-invasive surgical procedure to treat an enlarged prostate. Photo courtesy Piedmont Augusta.

Piedmont Augusta offers innovative treatment for enlarged prostate

In July, Piedmont Augusta became the first hospital in the Augusta area to perform Aquablation, an innovative, minimally-invasive surgical procedure to treat an enlarged prostate.

The procedure uses traditional visual imaging as well as robotic technology allowing a surgeon to control a heat-free waterjet to remove problematic prostate tissue that is obstructing the bladder, according to a news release from Piedmont Augusta.

“Aquablation doesn’t require an incision and takes less than an hour to complete,” said Dr. Henry Goodwin, a urologist at Augusta Urology Associates who performs the procedure at Piedmont Augusta, in the release. “We’re able to operate with precision, tailoring to the patient’s anatomy, so there are fewer complications and a faster recovery time.”

Symptoms of an enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), are frequent urination or difficulty emptying your bladder. Left untreated, an enlarged prostate can lead to urinary tract infections, bladder stones and damage to the kidneys.

“Men with these symptoms are often concerned with side effects from surgery, specifically incontinence and sexual dysfunction,” Dr. Goodwin said. “Because we use two types of imaging in this procedure, we can see the entire prostate in real time and help prevent side effects. This procedure has a very low rate of irreversible complications and has been proven to provide years of relief from symptoms.”

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