mike adams
8:51 PM (2 hours ago)
to me

The youth from Grace United Methodist Church dance with members of the RECing Crew at the annual Winter Wonderland Ball at Grace United Methodist Church in North Augusta on Jan. 27, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
mike adams Attachments 8:51 PM (2 hours ago) to me The youth from Grace United Methodist Church dance with members of the RECing Crew at the annual Winter Wonderland Ball at Grace United Methodist Church in North Augusta on Jan. 27, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.

In pictures: Winter Wonderland Ball

Members of the RECing Crew danced the night away at Grace United Methodist Church Jan. 27 for the Winter Wonderland Ball.

The church’s youth group joined in the fun, helping with refreshments and singing and dancing along.

Members of the RECing Crew laughed and enjoyed themselves at the annual Winter Wonderland Ball at Grace United Methodist Church in North Augusta on Jan. 27, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News
RECing Crew members dance at the annual Winter Wonderland Ball at Grace United Methodist Church in North Augusta on Jan. 27, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
Members of the RECing Crew danced at the Winter Wonderland Ball Jan. 27. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News
The youth from Grace United Methodist Church dance with members of the RECing Crew at the annual Winter Wonderland Ball at Grace United Methodist Church in North Augusta on Jan. 27, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
Members of the RECing Crew dance at the annual Winter Wonderland Ball at Grace United Methodist Church in North Augusta on Jan. 27, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
Members of the RECing Crew dance with youth from Grace United Methodist Church at the annual Winter Wonderland Ball at Grace United Methodist Church in North Augusta on Jan. 27, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
The youth from Grace United Methodist Church prepared a meal and desert for members of the RECing Crew at the annual Winter Wonderland Ball at Grace United Methodist Church in North Augusta on Jan. 27, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
Grace United Methodist Youth Director Megan Stafford sings and dances with members from the RECing Crew at the annual Winter Wonderland Ball at Grace United Methodist Church in North Augusta on Jan. 27, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.

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