Jamari Petgrave, front and John Mizer finish in first place in the canoe/kayak race at the CanalFEST 2024 in Augusta, Ga. on May 25, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
Jamari Petgrave, front and John Mizer finish in first place in the canoe/kayak race at the CanalFEST 2024 in Augusta, Ga. on May 25, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.

In pictures: Scenes from the Augusta Canal May 25

Memorial Day weekend brought people to the waterways with Petersburg boat rides as well as kayakers and canoers enjoying the Augusta Canal.

Savannah Rapids Kayak held its inaugural CanalFEST canoe and kayak race from the Savannah Rapids Headgates to the Mill Village Trailhead.

And lower on the Canal, a group of people took a tour on a Petersburg boat. To learn more about Petersburg Boat Tours, go here.

A group of kayakers make their way down the cool waters of the Augusta Canal on a hot Saturday in Augusta, Ga. on May 25, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
A kayaker enjoys the cool waters of the Augusta Canal in Augusta, Ga. on May 25, 2024. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News.
A Petersburg boat along the Augusta Canal May 25. Mike Adams/Augusta Good News

Mike Adams has won multiple Georgia Press Association awards for his photography. Subscribe to have Augusta Good News headlines delivered to your inbox

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