Arts and Entertainment

About Town With Francie – WetPaint Party and Sale

By Francie Klopotic · 12 Mar 2023 · Comments Off on About Town With Francie – WetPaint Party and Sale

Columnist Francie Klopotic attended the Greater Augusta Arts Council’s WetPaint party.

‘Charlotte’s Web’ heads to Augusta University stage

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 10 Mar 2023 · Comments Off on ‘Charlotte’s Web’ heads to Augusta University stage

Augusta University will perform Charlotte’s Web.

Ramblin’s Roads: James Brown performed at the Grand Ole Opry 45 years ago March 10

By Don "Ramblin'" Rhodes · 10 Mar 2023 · Comments Off on Ramblin’s Roads: James Brown performed at the Grand Ole Opry 45 years ago March 10

Columnist Don Rhodes recalls James Brown’s visit to the Grand Ole Opry in 1979.

‘Golden Girls’ meets ‘Odd Couple’ in Fort Gordon comedy

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 07 Mar 2023 · Comments Off on ‘Golden Girls’ meets ‘Odd Couple’ in Fort Gordon comedy

Fort Gordon Dinner Theatre will present the comedy “Ripcord” for two weekends beginning March 10.

Good Shot Judy rocks Hardin Auditorium as Augusta Amusement season nears end

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 05 Mar 2023 · Comments Off on Good Shot Judy rocks Hardin Auditorium as Augusta Amusement season nears end

Good Shot Judy played March 4. Augusta Amusements has three remaining acts on the season.

Morris Museum exhibition designed to evoke ‘joy’ and ‘happiness’

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 04 Mar 2023 · Comments Off on Morris Museum exhibition designed to evoke ‘joy’ and ‘happiness’

The Morris Museum of Art boasted a sold-out crowd March 3.

Column: Storyland Theatre celebrates 35 years with farewell event

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 03 Mar 2023 · 1

Publisher Charmain Z. Brackett writes about Storyland Theatre’s 35 years.

Richmond County string quartet to perform with professional show

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 02 Mar 2023 · Comments Off on Richmond County string quartet to perform with professional show

Four A.R. Johnson Health Sciences and Engineering Magnet School students will play for touring show’s Augusta stop.

British bands to invade the Imperial Theatre

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 01 Mar 2023 · Comments Off on British bands to invade the Imperial Theatre

Beatles Vs. Stones: A Musical Showdown features Beatles and Rolling Stones on the Imperial Theatre stage.

ArtScape: Daze Inn, Dreamscapes, Morris Gala and Wet Paint

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 28 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on ArtScape: Daze Inn, Dreamscapes, Morris Gala and Wet Paint

The ArtScape column focuses on area art happenings. Four arts-related events are taking place the first weekend of March.

About Town With Francie: Emerging Artists Exhibition

By Francie Klopotic · 26 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on About Town With Francie: Emerging Artists Exhibition

Columnist Francie Klopotic attended the Feb. 25 reception for the Lucy Craft Laney Museum of Black History’s Emerging Artists’ Exhibition

Augusta native wins film award

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 22 Feb 2023 · 1

Shandrea Evans’ short film about a homesick woman’s relationship with a great-aunt recently received an award at a Los Angeles film festival.

Bullets and Bandaids provides unique art experience

By Staff Report · 19 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Bullets and Bandaids provides unique art experience

Bullets and Bandaids Volume 4 “The Next Step” tour will be at Sacred Heart Cultural Center Feb. 22 and 23.

Performance will serve as send-off to theater conference

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 18 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Performance will serve as send-off to theater conference

The Augusta Junior Players present their award-winning performance of Sister Act Jr. on Feb. 28 before heading to the Southeastern Theatre Conference.