Representatives with Hyundai Hope On Wheels presented a $400,000 Scholar Hope Grant to Dr. Theodore Johnson at the Children’s Hospital of Georgia to support pediatric brain cancer research at Augusta University’s Georgia Cancer Center.
The American College of Cardiology recently recognized Piedmont Augusta for its treatment of heart attack patients.
Twelve Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University students received pins as Peach State Scholars on Aug. 9.
Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University received a $2.4 million grant to study the effects of aging on the human skeleton.
Innovations in patient care were highlighted at a July 25 Innovation Summit.
The American Heart Association has recognized Piedmont Augusta’s work with stroke patients.
Two Augusta residents diagnosed with glioblastoma were honored at an event July 17.
Physicians with Piedmont Heart Institute are now offering a new ablation procedure for patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, also known as AFib.
Don Belisle has a 24-hour bicycle ride planned July 19-20 to raise money for cancer research.
Via Cognitive Health officials held a grand opening and ribbon cutting June 20.
Jason Moore only has one kidney and requires dialysis three times a week to stay alive. He’s hopeful to find a living donor.
Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia have pinpointed a gene that may lead to better treatments for a form of macular degeneration.
A May 15 ribbon cutting marked the May 16 reopening of Piedmont Summerville, formerly Trinity Hospital.