Rakiyah Lenon

‘American Son’ confronts issues of race and bias

By Staff Report · 15 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on ‘American Son’ confronts issues of race and bias

Le Chat Noir production looks at race and bias.

Colorful show heads to Imperial stage

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 15 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Colorful show heads to Imperial stage

Joseph’s brightly-colored and sequined dreamcoat will glisten under the lights on the Imperial Theatre stage Feb. 24-26.

Black History Month events scheduled in Augusta area

By Staff Report · 14 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Black History Month events scheduled in Augusta area

Here is a sampling of Black History Month programs in the area.

Augusta University baseball program receives $250,000 donation for new locker room

By Special To Augusta Good News · 13 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Augusta University baseball program receives $250,000 donation for new locker room

Rich Henderson has pledged $250,000 toward a new baseball locker room at Augusta University.

One woman’s journey: weight loss is outer sign of inner work

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 13 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on One woman’s journey: weight loss is outer sign of inner work

Shanita Newton used food to help ease the pain of grief after the loss of her husband. But she’s found other ways to channel her emotions and transformed her body in the process.

Powderpuff football game to raise money for cancer research

By Staff Report · 12 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Powderpuff football game to raise money for cancer research

Students will raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through a powderpuff football game Feb. 13.

The Weekender: Santee State Park

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 12 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on The Weekender: Santee State Park

Publisher Charmain Z. Brackett takes a trip to Santee State Park in Santee, S.C. for The Weekender travel series.

In pictures: Augusta University tops Young Harris Feb. 11

By Mike Adams · 12 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on In pictures: Augusta University tops Young Harris Feb. 11

The Augusta University men’s basketball team won its 20th game of the season Saturday, Feb. 11.

Project Linus provides comfort to children

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 10 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Project Linus provides comfort to children

Project Linus blankets make a difference to children in the area.

Grassroots initiative addresses hunger in Augusta

By Charmain Z. Brackett · 10 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Grassroots initiative addresses hunger in Augusta

The second in a series of meetings will be held to find ways to further combat hunger in Augusta.

Arts Council receives grant for crosswalk art

By Staff Report · 09 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Arts Council receives grant for crosswalk art

A grant will allow for a crosswalk project in a dangerous intersection on Augusta’s east side.

Naked Epicurean: Winning Super Bowl party dishes

By Ann Beth Strelec · 09 Feb 2023 · Comments Off on Naked Epicurean: Winning Super Bowl party dishes

Need some ideas for your Super Bowl bash? Never fear, Naked Epicurean has nosh ideas sprinkled with cocktails that are sure to score.